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Smart Banner

Driving traffic to your app from your mobile site is the smartest way to gain new app users and retain mobile visitors. To get these people to down load your app, you can use smart app banners.

We highly recommend promoting your app using smart app banners – with these you’ll show a banner suggesting to install your app only to your website visitors using either an iOS or an Android device.

Read on to learn more about smart banners, and how to implement a smart app banner on your site.

What Are Smart App Banners?

'Smart App Banners' are banners that show up when someone lands on your mobile website, prompting them to get your app.

Here's an example:

Here's what Apple's own help pages say about smart app banners:

"Smart App Banners vastly improve users’ browsing experience compared to other promotional methods. Users will trust that tapping the banner will take them to the App Store and not a third-party advertisement. They will appreciate that banners are presented unobtrusively at the top of a webpage, instead of as a full-screen ad interrupting the web content. And with a large and prominent close button, a banner is easy for users to dismiss. When the user returns to the webpage, the banner won’t reappear."

Features ✨

ML Smart Banner features:

  • Configuration options:
    • Banner position
    • Banner delay
    • Texts fonts
    • Texts color
    • Banner BG
    • Text content (for button and heading/description)
    • App icon (the same for Android and Ios)
    • Entering animation
    • Display options: On load or when user scrolls up/down
    • Android and iOS links
  • Button Link applies automatically depending on user agent: If Android, it uses the provided android link if iOS, uses the provided ios link.
  • deviceData method available: its a function that can be called to get the current browser OS, useful for triggering external functions'. It returns a string containing "android" | "ios" | "windows"
  • Fallback App Icon option --> If the provided icon link is invalid / or image can not be displayed, an icon is generated using the App Name Param and Button colors
  • Default options set (if not texts, images or colors provided, it shows placeholder info, useful for catching errors or for testing while implementing the banner)
  • Banner can be used as a module or used directly in an html / script tag
  • Code written in Typescript and minified/bundled with Vite

How to use 📖

Smart Banner can be used importing the JS code via CDN or as a module using NPM

With CDN 🚀

Just copy & paste this code at the end of the <body> tag in your site. Modify the values accordingly. You probably want to change the values for:

  • appName: 2 initials from your brand, this is a fallback for the app logo
  • buttonColor: An HEX value, a good idea is to use your brand's primary color
  • iconUrl: Your app's logo, you can go to the store page and right click in the logo and copy that image URL
  • textHeading / textDescription: Banner text content
  • linkIos / linkAndroid: the stores links, the banner will redirect the user to the correct store depending on their device
<script type="module" src=""></script>

	const SBoptions = {
          fontFamily: `"Source Sans Pro", "Arial", sans-serif`, // (string) Font family for banner texts, defaults to system safe fonts
          fallbackFontFamily: 'sans-serif', // (string) Font family for fallback icon, safe options are serif and sans-serif
          appName: 'ML', // (string) Initials for fallback icon.  Recommended 2 characters. Fallback Image uses button text and bg color
          textColor: '#222', // (string) Banner texts color (any color property value)
          buttonColor: '#000000', // (string) Button color (any background property value)
          buttonText: 'Download', // (string) Button text
          buttonTextColor: '#fff', // (string) Button Text Color (any color property value)
          iconUrl: '', // (string) Icon url, defaults to avatar with appName. You can use the app logo in the appstore/playstore
          textHeading: 'Download our App!', // (string) Heading Text
          textDescription: 'Get it now, download today', // (string) Description text
          bannerColor: '#fff', // (string) Banner BG color
          linkIos: '', // (string) Link for iOS 
          linkAndroid: '', // (string) Link for Android 
          position: 'bottom', // (string) Position of the banner, default 'top'. 'top' | 'bottom'
          animation: 'fadeIn', // (string) Banner animation, default 'fadeIn'. 'fadeIn' | 'scaleUp' | 'slideBottom' | 'slideTop' | 'slideLeft' | 'slideRight' | null,
          display: 'onLoad', // (string) Display options, default 'onLoad'. 'onLoad' | 'onScrollDown' | 'onScrollUp'
          radius: '0', // (string) Banner radius with units
          delay: 0, // (number) defines how much time to wait until the element shows up
          shadow: true, // (boolean) If true applies soft shadow, true | false
          useSession: true, // (boolean) If true, after closed, Banner is not shown upon page reload. Default: true
          zindex: 999999 // (number) Sets the z-index of the element

  	function addSmartBanner() {
  	// only shows the banner in mobile devices & if not the app
		if(!deviceData.isMobile || deviceData.isCanvas ){
    	new SmartBanner(SBoptions).init();
  	window.addEventListener('load', addSmartBanner);



npm i @mobiloud/ml-smart-banner

Configuration options ⚙️

const options = {
    fontFamily: `"Source Sans Pro", "Arial", sans-serif`, // (string) Font family for banner texts, defaults to system safe fonts
    fallbackFontFamily: 'sans-serif', // (string) Font family for fallback icon, safe options are serif and sans-serif
    appName: 'ML', // (string) Initials for fallback icon.  Recommended 2 characters. Fallback Image uses button text and bg color
    textColor: '#222', // (string) Banner texts color (any color property value)
    buttonColor: '#222', // (string) Button color (any background property value)
    buttonText: 'Download', // (string) Button text
    buttonTextColor: '#fff', // (string) Button Text Color (any color property value)
    iconUrl: '', // (string) Icon url, defaults to avatar with appName
    textHeading: 'Download now!', // (string) Heading Text
    textDescription: 'Try it now, download today', // (string) Description text
    bannerColor: '#fff', // (string) Banner BG color
    linkIos: '', // (string) Link for iOS 
    linkAndroid: '', // (string) Link for Android 
    position: 'bottom', // (string) Position of the banner, default 'top'. 'top' | 'bottom'
    animation: 'fadeIn', // (string) Banner animation, default 'fadeIn'. 'fadeIn' | 'scaleUp' | 'slideBottom' | 'slideTop' | 'slideLeft' | 'slideRight' | null,
    display: 'onLoad', // (string) Display options, default 'onLoad'. 'onLoad' | 'onScrollDown' | 'onScrollUp'
    radius: '0', // (string) Banner radius with units
    delay: 0, // (number) defines how much time to wait until the element shows up
    shadow: true, // (boolean) If true applies soft shadow, true | false
    useSession: true, // (boolean) If true, after closed, Banner is not shown upon page reload. Default: true
    zindex: 999999 // (number) Sets the z-index of the element

const smartBanner = new SmartBanner(options);

Methods 💡

deviceData.os // returns current os "android" | "ios" | "windows" | "desktop"
deviceData.isCanvas // returns true or false
deviceData.isMobile // returns true or false

Recipes 🍳

This are useful ways to implement the widget. We always recommend using an Event Listener to trigger the code when the document is loaded window.addEventListener('load', fnName)

Insert Smart Banner on mobile only

function addSmartBanner() {
	if(!deviceData.isMobile || deviceData.isCanvas ){
    new SmartBanner(options).init();
window.addEventListener('load', addSmartBanner);

Using deviceData method to filter devices

const options = {
  // Set params here

// Insert widgets only in our Canvas platform
if(deviceData.isCanvas) {
	const smartBanner = new SmartBanner(options).init();

// Apply specific configs based on OS
if(deviceData.os === "android" || deviceData.os === "windows") {
  const smartBanner = new SmartBanner(options1).init();
if(deviceData.os === "desktop" || deviceData.os === "ios") {
  const smartBanner = new SmartBanner(options2).init();

// Insert widgets only in Mobile userAgent
if(deviceData.isMobile) {
	const smartBanner = new SmartBanner(options3).init();


The library emits some useful events in the browser window, these can be used to trigger custom functions using event listeners.

  • BANNER_CLOSED: Triggered when close button is clicked, banner gets unmounted from page also.
  • BANNER_MOUNTED: Triggered when banner is mounted in page, on init() it gets unmounted as a cleanup and then mounted.
  • BANNER_UNMOUNTED: Triggered when banner is mounted in unmounted, this is triggered on close or when firing unmount(),
  • BANNER_LINK_CLICKED: Triggered when banner link is clicked

Triggering events based on Smart Banner events

window.addEventListener('BANNER_MOUNTED', () => {
  console.log('banner opened');
  // trigger something...
window.addEventListener('BANNER_CLOSED', () => {
  console.log('banner closed');
  // trigger something...
window.addEventListener('BANNER_UNMOUNTED', () => {
  console.log('banner unmounted');
  // trigger something...
window.addEventListener('BANNER_LINK_CLICKED', () => {
  console.log('banner link clicked');
  // trigger something...

Testing Widgets 🧪