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Back Button

A back button in a native app allows users to navigate to the previously viewed screen or page within the app.

A 'Back Button' in your app is essential for user experience, providing a quick and intuitive way to backtrack through a series of actions or views. Without a back button, users might feel disoriented or frustrated trying to navigate within the app.

This library provides a web based widget that replicates the native look and feel provided by the iOS and Android SDKs. The purpose is to add navigation options to a web app when running in a native app container, like what MobiLoud provides.

Here's an example:

Features ✨

ML Back Button features:

  • Configuration options:
    • Button text/label
    • Button colors
    • Position and animation
    • Display options: when user scrolls screen, on page load
    • Basic style settings, extensible with CSS
    • Options to replace elements and attach button to a container
    • Regex / url filtering, to avoid displaying the button in certain pages
  • deviceData method available: its a function that can be called to get the current browser OS, useful for triggering external functions'. It returns a string containing "android" | "ios" | "windows"
  • Default options set (if not texts, images or colors provided, it shows placeholder info, useful for catching errors or for testing while implementing the Button)
  • Button can be used as a module or used directly in an html / script tag
  • Code written in Typescript and minified/bundled with Vite

How to use 📖

ml-back-button can be used importing the JS code via CDN or as a module using NPM

With CDN 🚀

<script type="module" src=""></script>
  function addBackButton() {
  	new BackButton().init();
  window.addEventListener('load', addBackButton);



npm i @mobiloud/ml-back-button

Configuration options ⚙️

	const options = {
/** Sets the button text color (if string is used in label); Example '#fff'*/
  textColor: string,
  /** Sets the button fill color (if svg is used in label); Example '#000'*/
  fillColor: string,
  /** Sets the button background color (if svg is used in label); Example '#000'*/
  buttonColorPrimary: string, 
  /** Sets the button label; Example 'Back', '<svg>...</svg>'*/
  label: string,
  /** Sets the button position when floating: 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right' */
  position: 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right',
  /** Sets the button entrance animation: 'fadeIn' | 'scaleUp' | 'slideBottom' | 'slideTop' | 'slideLeft' | 'slideRight' | null */
  animation: 'fadeIn' | 'scaleUp' | 'slideBottom' | 'slideTop' | 'slideLeft' | 'slideRight' | null, 
  /** Sets the button display type: 'onLoad' | 'onScrollDown' | 'onScrollUp' */
  display: 'onLoad' | 'onScrollDown' | 'onScrollUp', 
  /** Sets the button radius: css unit, 50% gives a rounded btn if same height/width; Example '50%' */
  radius: string,
  /** Sets the button width: css unit; Example '20px' */
  width: string,
  /** Sets the button inner padding: css unit; Example '1em' */
  padding: string,
  /** Defines how much time to wait until the element shows up (in ms); Example 1000 */
  delay: number, 
  /** If not null, button is injected into a container, it uses any html selectors; Example '.class', '#id', null  */
  containerSelector: string | null, 
  /** If container selector activated, it places the button before or after other elements; Example 'first' | 'last' | null */
  containerOrder: 'first' | 'last' | null,
  /** Sets text alignment, button has a flex container; Example 'center' | 'start' | 'end' */
  textAlign: 'center' | 'start' | 'end',
  /** If true applies soft shadow; Boolean */
  shadow: boolean,
  /** if a selector is placed here, this element would be replaced with the back button; Example '.className' '#idName' */
  replaceElement:  string | null,
  /** uses regex to avoid injecting button in certain pages; Example /(?:\/|\/home|\/someUrl|\/about|\/categories\/clothing)/ */
  regex: string | null,
  /** Display or not logs, useful when developing; Boolean */
  logs: boolean  

const BackButton = new BackButton(options);

Methods 💡

deviceData.os // returns current os "android" | "ios" | "windows" | "desktop"
deviceData.isCanvas // returns true or false
deviceData.isMobile // returns true or false

Recipes 🍳

This are useful ways to implement the widget. We always recommend using an Event Listener to trigger the code when the document is loaded window.addEventListener('load', fnName)

Insert Back Button - desktop only

function addBackButton() {
	if(deviceData.isMobile || deviceData.isCanvas ){
    new BackButton(options).init();
window.addEventListener('load', addBackButton);

Using deviceData method to filter devices

const options = {
  // Set params here

// Insert widgets only in our Canvas platform
if(deviceData.isCanvas) {
	const backButton = new BackButton(options);

// Apply specific configs based on OS
if(deviceData.os === "android" || deviceData.os === "windows") {
  const backButton = new BackButton(options1);
if(deviceData.os === "desktop" || deviceData.os === "ios") {
  const backButton = new BackButton(options2);

// Insert widgets only in Mobile userAgent
if(deviceData.isMobile) {
	const backButton = new BackButton(options3);

Testing Widgets 🧪