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OneSignal Analytics

Learn how to find your app usage details on OneSignal

OneSignal provides accurate information about how many users have subscribed to receive push notifications on your app, and how many of these users are active on a monthly basis.

1 - Login to your OneSignal account

Go to and login to your account

2 - Select your app

After logging in, click on the app for which you want to see the usage information

3 - Usage information

Right after selecting your app, OneSignal will display general usage information about your app, as you can see below:

Notion Image

These are the metrics you want to be looking into:

Monthly Active Users: an estimate of the number of users who have used your app in the last 30 days. Examples of activity include opening a notification, opening the app, and receiving tags from the app.

Push Subscriptions: this number is the total count of active push subscriptions