You always want users to have a smooth and enjoyable experience when using your websiter and app. The ability to navigate backwards plays a big role in that experience, specially in a hybrid solution like MobiLoud.
Website users are already familiar with the browser back feature, and to keep that experience consistent in the app, you can enable a floating back button that will allow your app users to easily navigate to the previous page in a smooth and familiar manner.
To enable the floating back button for your app you will need to edit your app's advanced configuration.
Look for the "Floating_Back_ Button" block, and make sure "Enabled_ iOS" and "Enabled_ Android" are set to true, as follows:
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Enabled_iOS": true,
"Enabled_Android": true
You can customize several aspects of your floating back button, allowing you to match your branding and website design.
Below you can find a complete list of all the available settings:
Description: Controls the roundness of the back button's corners. 0 creates square corners, while 90 makes them circular.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Border_Radius": "90"
Description: Determines whether to display a shadow behind the button or not. Use this when you don't want the button to blend into your website design.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Drop_Shadow": true
Description: Determines the back button placemt on the Y-Axis. Possible values are "top" and "bottom".
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Position_Vertical": "top"
Description: Determines the back button placemt on the X-Axis. Possible values are "left" and "right".
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Position_Horizontal": "left"
Description: Determines the inner vertical padding of the back button, the spacing between the icon and the top/bottom edge of the button.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Spacing_Vertical": "10"
Description: Determines the inner horizontal padding of the back button, the spacing between the icon and left/right edge of the button.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Spacing_Horizontal": "10"
Description: Let's you choose between Font Awesome icons to be used in your back button. You can pick icons from the Font Awesome website here:
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Icon": "fachevronleft"
Description: Determines the color of the icon. Use a HEX color value.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Icon_Color": "#FFFFFF"
Description: Determines the color of the icon when dark mode is enabled. Use a HEX color value.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Dark_Mode_Icon_Color": "#999999"
Description: Determines the color of the icon when dark mode is enabled. Use a HEX color value.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Button_Background_Color": "#FFFFFF"
Description: Determines the color of the icon when dark mode is enabled. Use a HEX color value.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Dark_Mode_Button_Background_Color": "#222222"
Description: Triggers a ripple animation when the back button is clicked. Possible values are "true" and "false".
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Click_Effect": true
Description: Determines the color of the effect that is triggered when the button is clicked. Use a HEX color value.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Click_Effect_Color": "#FAFAFA"
Description: Determines the color of the effect that is triggered when the button is clicked and dark mode is enabled. Use a HEX color value.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Dark_Mode_Click_Effect_Color": "#FFFFFF"
Description: Displays the back button with a subtle fade-in animation. Possible values are "true" and "false".
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Show_Button_With_Animation": true
Description: Hides the back button while the user is scrolling through the page, only shows up again once the user scrolls up. Possible values are "true" and "false".
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Hide_On_Scroll": true
Description: Sets the width of the padding area to the left of the icon in the back button.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Left_Padding": "10"
Description: Sets the width of the padding area to the right of the icon in the back button.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Right_Padding": "10"
Description: Sets the width of the padding area to the top of the icon in the back button.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Top_Padding": "10"
Description: Sets the width of the padding area to the bottom of the icon in the back button.
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Bottom_Padding": "10"
"Floating_Back_Button": {
"Enabled_iOS": true,
"Enabled_Android": true,
"Border_Radius": "5",
"Drop_Shadow": false,
"Position_Vertical": "top",
"Position_Horizontal": "left",
"Spacing_Vertical": "10",
"Spacing_Horizontal": "10",
"Icon": "fachevronleft",
"Icon_Color": "#333333",
"Button_Background_Color": "#ffd966",
"Click_Effect_Color": "#a0a0a0",
"Dark_Mode_Icon_Color": "#333333",
"Dark_Mode_Button_Background_Color": "#ffffff",
"Dark_Mode_Click_Effect_Color": "#ffffff",
"Click_Effect": false,
"Show_Button_With_Animation": true,
"Left_Padding": "0",
"Right_Padding": "0",
"Top_Padding": "0",
"Bottom_Padding": "0"