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Register for Firebase

Learn how to create your Firebase account

Google’s Firebase is an app development platform that gives you control over several parts of your app, with it you will be able to track analytics data, crashes, user behavior, ads, and much more.

Create your Firebase account

Just like other Google services, in order to have a Firebase account, you will need to sign in with your own Google Account login details here:

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In case you don’t have a Google Account yet, you can register one here:

Create your Firebase project

Now that you have your Firebase account, you will need to create a Firebase project. You can do so by following these steps:

1 - Open your Firebase Console

You can open your Firebase Console using this link:

2 - Create a new project

Click the “Create new project” button:

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3 - Choose the project name

Make sure to use the same name that you will use in your mobile app, to avoid confusion.

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4 - Setup Google Analytics (optional)

If you’d like to be able to track your app data via Google Analytics, later on, make sure to enable Google Analytics:

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That’s it, your project is now created and you can now invite our team to it:

  • How to invite users to Firebase