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Advanced Configuration | MobiLoud Docs

Advanced Configuration. Learn how to use the advanced settings.

Disable back button on notifications and universal links | MobiLoud Docs

are opened through notifications or universal links you can use the following parameters in your app advanced

Print pages in the app | MobiLoud Docs

to enable the print functionality in your app you will need to add the following parameters to your advanced

Configure Deep Links for third-party apps | MobiLoud Docs

These deep links might not work out-of-the-box in your MobiLoud app and will require some extra app configuration

Configure Google Login in WebView | MobiLoud Docs

login page using a custom popup, that can be configured using the following parameters in your app's advanced

UTM Injection for Google Analytics | MobiLoud Docs

all URLs loaded in your app to track app usage through UTMs in Google Analytics without needing extra configuration

Code Injecting | MobiLoud Docs

To use code injecting you will need to edit your app’s advanced configuration.

Configure Facebook login | MobiLoud Docs

In this guide, we will go through the MobiLoud configuration setup, as well as details on how to make

Floating Back Button | MobiLoud Docs

To enable the floating back button for your app you will need to edit your app's advanced configuration