Now that you have your own Google Firebase account (if you don't click here to see how to get one) it's time to invite our team to your project so we can configure and test everything for you.Access your Firebase ConsoleThe first step is to go to and click on "Go to Console" in order to access your Firebase Console.
Create a project for your appNow you will need to create a new project for your app, this new project will hold all the features and details that Firebase has to offer. Click the "Add Project" button to get started.
You will then be requested to type a name for your project, we'd suggest that you use your app name for that, but feel free to use what you think is best and then click "Create Project".
Invite our team as an admin to your accountNow that your project is in place it's time to invite our team to it, so we can configure Firebase's features for your app.Click the gear icon on the top left and then click on "Users and Permissions".
A modal window will be displayed asking you to insert the email that you want to invite and the role that it will have in your project.Make sure to use the email provided by our team and to select the "Owner" role so we have access to everything we need to ensure that your app works correctly and that all features are working as expected.
Our team will then receive an invitation to manage your Firebase Project and that's pretty much it!