When you submit your iOS app to the App Store, it goes through a long and strict review process, where a real reviewer (not a robot or anything like that) opens your app in his iPad/iPhone and navigates through it, as a real user would do.The reviewer then makes sure your app complies with Apple's guidelines, works correctly, and provides a well thought and optimized user experience, which must be, in a way, different from what the mobile version of your website offers.
What should I do to make sure my app gets approved?
Since we are dealing with real people, it is hard to predict which parts of your app the reviewer will focus on, but there are some general tips and suggestions we can offer that might help with increasing the chances of having your MobiLoud News app approved:
- Make sure your text is well written and formatted. By this we mean, not only try to avoid typos and include a minimum amount of text, but also make sure your text follows a pattern in terms of alignment, line breaks, image positioning, etc. You can take a closer look into some famous news apps like New York Times, Apple News, and BuzzFeed for reference.
- Enable the extended view mode and excerpt in the MobiLoud News plugin settings. This is not a rule at all, but we have noticed that apps with bigger, good-looking images, and with more content on the app's main screen, have a higher approval rate than those that use the compact view with no extra content.

- Include features that are exclusive to your app. Using the menu tool, you will be able to incorporate any pages from your website into your app, our suggestion would be to create one or more pages that offer a specific and useful functionality to your app users, giving them extra reasons to use your app rather than simply opening your mobile website on their phones. Spending some time thinking about how you can take the most out of your app can certainly be rewarding.
- Customize your app and make sure it looks good. Sounds quite obvious right? But Apple really likes when things look good, having a nice logo, high-resolution logo, that matches your header background color and works well on small screens can definitely help with making sure your app gets approved. Again, it will be worth spending some time creating proper graphics, solid color combinations and a good looking app rather than receiving a rejection message after 5 days waiting for the review.
My app got rejected even after making the mentioned changes
We can always assist with making the necessary adjustments to your app, based on the feedback provided by Apple, and then proceed with resubmitting it for a new review.There are specific cases, where the best option would be to take a step back and re-think your app purpose, design, and features, to make sure you are providing the best possible user experience in your app. We'll make sure to address these with you.