
Turn your publication's website into a mobile app in under 2 weeks.

Perfect your site’s content experience by making it a native mobile app. Unlock superior customer retention with the power of push notifications, native performance and beyond.
Deeper Blue's App Store listing.

Offer loyal readers the best user experience on mobile.

Your most loyal readers, those that come back every day, expect more than a responsive site. Give them a great experience and they’ll reward you with more engagement, loyalty and repeat visits.
Only native mobile apps offer the speed and convenience that readers expect on their mobile devices.
Boost engagement with push notifications, infinite scrolling, swipe actions, content recommendations, native sharing, rich image galleries.
A mockup of the comment section of a science news article.

Drive more engagement, traffic and revenue.

App users come back more often and consume more content. Chartbeat confirms app users are 6x more engaged versus visitors coming from platforms on the web.
Optimize every part of the user experience to drive higher traffic, engagement and monetization.
Create the perfect experience for loyal, returning readers, maximizing pageviews, time spent and pages per session.
Bring first load performance to less than a second, impress your readers with a great experience and build habits.

Unlock a new place to find your readers.

Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store receive over 500 million weekly visits combined. Tap into these thriving ecosystems and earn your publication additional revenue.
Promote your app throughout your existing channels to build momentum.
Become more trustworthy and innovative than your competitors.
Acquire users searching for keywords on the App Store and Google Play.
Get featured in Apple & Google's charts, editor's choice, etc.
Deeper Blue's App Store and Play Store listings.
iOS 16 homescreen on iPhone 13 pro.

Stay top-of-mind by appearing on the home screen.

Become the centre of your customer's reading experience by earning a spot on their home screen, and boost brand awareness, loyalty and readership. It's free real estate.
Readers view more articles per session within apps compared to the web.
Publishing apps convert higher than both mobile and desktop sites.
Increase the number of articles read through habitual checking.
Boost your LTV, as your app renders your brand unforgettable.

Get a direct line to your audience with push notifications.

In the age of rising social media ad costs and cluttered email inboxes, you can now retain your customer's attention for the long haul by leveraging native, free and unlimited push notifications.
Cut out the middlemen and get a direct line to your customers at a fraction of the cost.
Alert users of new articles, offers, events or anything else you have in mind.
Configure notifications to go out automatically, or send them manually when you see fit.
All notification history is viewable in-app so your customers never miss a message.
Foreign Policy example iOS push notificationsiOS push notifications examples from Deeper Blue, an online publication about all things scuba, ocean, diving and travel.
A news publication's paywalled content popup.

Generate subscription revenue through gated content & ad removal.

With a mobile app, you can eliminate the friction of having your customers manually enter their login and payment information when they interact with your business—resulting in higher conversion rates across the board.
Integrate any existing Membership or Paywall plugin.
Restrict access to premium content, or offer a subscription in exchange for an ad-free experience.
We can integrate your app with in-app purchase subscriptions, links for donations and/or provide options for login for existing members.

Get the most out of your advertising efforts.

Our apps integrate out of the box the best mobile ad networks like Google Admob and Facebook Audience Network – you can also serve your own direct inventory from advertisers and sponsors.
No ad-blockers in apps means 100% of your traffic is monetized.
All ad types are supported: banner, video, interstitial, native and more.
Offer in-app purchase subscriptions to remove ads, and unlock access to gated content.
All ads open inside a browser instance within your app, offering a distraction-free environment for conversion.
Two news publications' mobile apps with ads displaying between articles.

All of the above, with seamless onboarding and maintenance. Zero coding required.

Instant setup
Your existing website is the foundation of your app. Import it in seconds and begin configuration.
Automatic updates
When you publish a change to your site, it also appears in-app. There's no additional management required on your part.
Retains all your plugins
MobiLoud synchronizes with your existing tech stack right out of the box. Your plugins, themes and third party tools are safe!
Fully customizable
Edit the configuration using JSON, add custom CSS, or reach out to our development team with changes you have in mind.
We don’t just build your apps and call it a day
Our goal is to make sure you get an app you love. We keep working with you to improve, optimize, and maintain a strong app experience your customers will love.
"We couldn’t find another company that could offer the same features at the same price point, same time to market, and make it as easy as MobiLoud could."
Portrait of Svend Hansen, Product Owner at Bestseller.
Svend Hansen
Product Owner
Bestseller's logo.
"My team is thrilled because we have functioning apps that require almost no effort on our part, to build or maintain. It is a brilliant solution."
David Cost
VP of Ecommerce & Marketing
Rainbow Shops logo.
"Your level of service is unmatched. You are always there when we need you, and go above and beyond to make sure everything runs smoothly for us.”
Kenneth Chan
Founder & CEO

Our customer case studies.

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Simple Flying Increased Engagement and Ad Revenue with Mobile Apps
News & Magazines
How Foreign Policy Built Modern Native Apps for Their Digital Magazine
News & Magazines
DeeperBlue Gave Diving Enthusiasts around the World a Great App That Keeps Them Informed and Entertained
News & Magazines
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Your questions, answered.

Everything you need to know about our product and billing. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Visit our help center or contact us and we’ll be in touch.
Will I be able to configure the app on my own?
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With our documentation and support, you will be able to configure the app on your own. We are there to help you out with any questions or guidance needed, and we can always just do it for you too!

Will my app work offline?
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It will require an internet connection to operate.

What's your process like?
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The process starts with a consultation with one of our app experts. We go over your vision for the apps, the must-have features, and create a roadmap for bringing them live. Then we begin with the development work. You'll be in touch with us throughout the process, and will have plenty of opportunities for input and testing the apps along the way. After a couple of weeks (for projects with less complex customization and features), we'll be ready to go through the final testing of your app and prepare it for submission and publishing on the App Store and Google Play.

Will I need coding knowledge?
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No coding knowledge is required, unless you want to get more advanced integrating your website with the app. We provide full instructions for all you need to know – and our team is always on hand to help out if needed.

Will I have to update a dashboard whenever there’s new content?
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No – the apps will update automatically whenever you publish anything new! There is little to add to your existing workflow, just keep doing what you're doing, easy like that!

Is this a fully custom app?
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Yes – every app is completely unique and custom. For a start, News apps are built from your own unique site, completely branded for you, and customized according to your needs in terms of design and features! From your audience's perspective, they will be exactly like $100K+ custom apps.

Will managing the app add much to my team’s workflow?
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As the News apps sync completely with your WordPress site, there isn't a lot of extra work for your team at all. The apps will update automatically with any new content or changes to your site, and the essential features of the apps can be managed through our WordPress plugin with zero coding required. Any major updates, maintenance or customization will be handled by our team of developers.

Does it only work with WordPress based sites?
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News is built specifically for WordPress based news publishers and content sites. That said, if your News site is built on another type of CMS it may be possible to build you apps based on a custom instance of WordPress that acts as an intermediary between your main site and the apps. It is possible to get an excellent result with this method, speak to one of our team to find out more.

Can I integrate my favourite WordPress plugin, subscription tool, or third party software platform?
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We are able to integrate any WordPress plugin or third party platform (as long as they provide an SDK). Most common WordPress publisher plugins will work out of the box, and we have prebuilt integrations with many of the major paywall providers and publisher platforms like Piano. As each project is custom, and we have a vast experience creating complex News apps, our developers will be able to bring your vision into reality.

What would require custom development?
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Generally if your site has unusual or highly custom functionality, or relies on a third party platform that must be integrated with the apps, this will require custom development from our team. This is unnecessary for most of our customers, but we have experience building almost every imaginable kind of custom functionality in News apps so chances are we have a way to get you what you need!

Does it support RTL text?
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Yes, News apps support RTL text and it is simple to set up.

How can I make money from my app?
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Many of the common publisher WordPress plugins will work straight out of the box, and we can integrate whatever third party plugins you need for your ideal app with custom development. The app is a native mobile app and has a separate design from your theme, but you can customize it and integrate design elements from your site design – our team can take care of all customization and achieve a completely unique design for your app.

Can I automate push notifications for new content?
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Yes, you can configure the notifications to go out automatically as a response to specific events, including new content getting published. You can also send notifications manually whenever you wish. If your site doesn't run on WordPress, but rather uses any popular web stack, you'll be able to easily connect to Onesignal's REST API to trigger notifications for any event.

Is there a limit on the number of push notifications we send?
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No, you can send as many as you like! You can integrate notifications with your website (we do that for you with our plugin if you're on WordPress) to send them automatically or send them manually. We rely on Onesignal to send notifications and you'll have full control of your own Onesignal account. They have excellent documentation if you want to integrate their API in your web application.

Will the app be able to have notifications on a per user level?
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Your users will have a message center in which they can select the kind of notifications they wish to receive – this is great for making your push notifications more impactful and well received. If you're running on WordPress and use a plugin like BuddyPress, BuddyBoss or Peepso, we include a direct integration to trigger user-specific notifications (e.g. for new private messages). If you've built your own web app, you can easily identify individual users in Onesignal and trigger a push message with notifications for the single user.

Can I make my app subscriber only?
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Yes you can! Several of our customers, like Foreign Policy, have subscriber only News apps. Others like Simple Flying offer app users the ability to remove ads from the apps for a monthly subscription fee.

Can it integrate a paywall for premium content?
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Yes, we can integrate whatever paywall you currently use on your site.

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Convert your website into a mobile app

Get custom mobile apps for iOS and Android that update automatically with your site and work with your entire tech stack.
Rainbow Shops logo.Bestseller's logo.John Varvatos logo.
Only & Sons iOS app.
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